Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Vandyke photography- alternative photograph processing.The Van Dyke print is developed in plain running water, which completes the chemical changes initiated by exposure to UV light. It is then fixed in a quite dilute (3-5%) solution of standard print fixer for a short time to remove any insoluble silver compounds which might darken with continued exposure to light. Finally, it is rigorously rinsed, hypo-cleared, and washed to remove all traces of the hypo fixer.

Kalli Print-Kallitype printing follows similar procedures and uses many of the same chemicals as Platinum and Palladium Printing. Kallitype is a great process for students and beginners who want to practice their handcoating and printing techniques before moving up to Platinum or Palladium printing.

25 ml - Silver Nitrate 10% Solution
25 ml - Ferric Oxalate 20% Solution
25 ml - Ammonium Dichromate contrast booster
250 g - EDTA Clearing Agent
250 g - Sodium Thiosulfate fixer
1 Quart - Black tone developer
Droppers For Bottles

Cyanotypes- is a photographic printing process that gives a cyan-blue print. The process was popular in engineering circles well into the 20th century. The simple and low-cost process enabled them to produce large-scale copies of their work, referred to as blueprints. Two chemicals are used in the process:
  • Ammonium iron(III) citrate
  • Potassium ferricyanide.

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